Thanks so much for all of your hard work in the preparation and execution of the Kids Ice Fishing Day at Genoa NFH on Sunday February 9th this year. This year was extremely challenging to pull off, due to 2 postponements of the event, one from the government shutdown and one from the weather, and an actual day change to Sunday. We had 525 attendees, volunteers, Friends and staff from the 3 LaCrosse area Fisheries Offices at the event, not bad at all considering the circumstances. To top this off most of the promotion for the event was contained to social media or just word of mouth. Included in this number was 250 children, our targeted audience. Many smiles were witnessed and everyone that attended caught at least one fish. Thanks again for all that you do for our Mississippi Basin fish and wildlife resources and for helping us put the love of the outdoors into the next generation through events like these!

Doug Aloisi
Genoa National Fish Hatchery
S 5631 State Highway 35
Genoa WI 54632
608-689-2644 fax