2021 was an average year for Mississippi River flows, but after the past few years of high-water flows seemed low. This was especially true in the slough at Blackhawk Park where our Mobile Aquatic Rearing System trailer spends its summer. … Continue reading
A hatchery tour can be a great destination to explore and learn new things. This was recently the case for the Schiesher sisters. The four sisters live in different locations throughout the United States and every year they get … Continue reading
Fall is by far my favorite time of year. The bluffs begin to turn to their gorgeous red and orange colors,cuing in harvest season. Farmers are busy bringing in … Continue reading
In October, Genoa NFH mussel biologists joined colleagues from the Wisconsin DNR in a search for Salamander Mussel broodstock on the Wisconsin River. We were very lucky to have mild weather this far into the fall, leading to a … Continue reading
Meet the new boss….same as the old boss. These song lyrics were written by the Who in one of their most popular songs in the 70’s, and were never more accurate when describing the new assistant manager at the … Continue reading
As lake sturgeon culture and pond harvest wrap up for the fall, Genoa National Fish Hatchery staff members begin to focus their attention on hatching cold water fish during the winter months. Genoa staff member (Jeff Lockington) collected wild … Continue reading
The end of the summer growing season is a busy time for the mussel program. As water temperatures begin to drop, propagated juvenile mussels that have spent the summer in various outdoor culture locations are collected and brought back to … Continue reading
Since the early 1930’s Genoa has had gravel cold water rearing units serviced by an artesian well just south of the new office building location. The artesian water is a cool 52 degree Fahrenheit and is great for growing … Continue reading
October is one of the busiest months of the year at the Genoa National Fish Hatchery. October means pond harvesting time. This is the time to see what a summer worth of feeding and careful water monitoring has produced. … Continue reading
A rainy day at Blackhawk Park didn’t stop the young anglers from fishing! On Saturday, August 7, 2021 the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers hosted the annual youth fishing derby. The free event included educational programs and a fishing derby … Continue reading