This year Genoa National Fish Hatchery staff collected lake sturgeon eggs from the Wolf, Wisconsin, Rainy, St. Clair and St. Lawrence Rivers. Throughout the summer hatchery biologists, pathways students and youth conservation corp. enrollees have their hands full feeding and … Continue reading
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The last warm months of the summer growing season are always busy at Genoa NFH. The mussel program manages culture systems in numerous locations, and at the end of the summer we start the process of cleaning, collecting, counting and … Continue reading
Have you ever considered the Genoa National Fish Hatchery as a destination for a school field trip? If not, you should! We offer age-appropriate outdoor education programs and tours that give students the opportunity to learn about the mighty Mississippi … Continue reading
Hatchery biologists joined partners from the Park Service the Minnesota-Wisconsin Ecological Services Field Office, U.S.G.S., and the University of Minnesota to search for displaying Winged Mapleleaf this year. Over the past 6 years we’ve experienced different patterns of flow and … Continue reading
Hatchery Swan SongAs most of you know, my tenure at the Genoa National Fish Hatchery and the Fish and Wildlife Service for that matter is swiftly coming to an end. … Continue reading
The ponds and wetland areas at Genoa NFH are home to many aquatic insects, including the aquatic larval stage of dragonflies and damselflies. After hatching from eggs laid in … Continue reading
Each fall, hatchery biologists working with U.S. Park Service staff, MN DNR mussel biologists and staff from other U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service offices visit the St. Croix as many as 15 times looking for the federally endangered Winged Mapleleaf … Continue reading
Fathead minnow fingerlings are used throughout the year as a forage base to feed hatchery captive broodstock as well as advanced growth largemouth, smallmouth, and walleye. These species feed on zooplankton and invertebrates as their primary food source when they … Continue reading
• Lake Sturgeon tagging (August through Early September) • Coaster Brook Trout tagging (September) • Pond Harvest (September through October) Call for more details! (608) 689-2605Erica RasmussenEnvironmental Education Specialist Genoa National Fish Hatchery S5631 State Hwy 35 Genoa WI, 54632 … Continue reading