A rainy day at Blackhawk Park didn’t stop the young anglers from fishing! On Saturday, August 7, 2021 the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers hosted the annual youth fishing derby. The free event included educational programs and a fishing derby for children 12 years old or younger. The fishing derby was followed by a wonderful lunch and awards ceremony with prizes. Genoa National Fish Hatchery employees Erica Rasmussen and Jeff Lockington participated in the event by teaching an educational program on the function of the hatchery, fish identification and life cycle of freshwater mussels. The participants were even able to hold a live surgeon! This was a great event and awesome opportunity to get children firsthand experience fishing the backwaters of the mighty Mississippi River!
By: Erica Rasmussen

My son, Easton holding a lake sturgeon and my daughter, Ava holding a bass @ Blackhawk Park. Photo: USFWS.