Genoa Fish Hatchery relies on volunteers and friends members to accomplish the task of tagging our lake sturgeon. Each sturgeon before stocking is individually tagged by a coded wire tagging machine. This allows biologist to track growth and survival rates after stocking.
Anyone interested in tagging please contact Erica Rasmussen or Darla Wenger (phone: 608-689-2605) or email or Your help and support for fisheries conservation is much appreciated! Get a chance to hold many of these ancient sturgeon. We will be tagging Monday-Friday from 8 AM-3 PM, starting August 9th and usually lasting until beginning of October or until all sturgeon have been tagged.
Reserve your seat now! Before all the sturgeon are tagged.
By: Orey Eckes

Volunteers: Kathy (pictured left) and Rosie (pictured right) tag sturgeon by Raena Parsons/USFWS